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Online Banking

Archive - May 2024

Phishing Thumbnail

The New Age of Phishing

Posted On: May 21, 2024 by Home State Bank in: Community, Personal Banking

What do Email, Text, social media, and Online Messaging all have in common? They can all be used to share memories from around the world, but they can also be used to distribute phishing attacks. The new reality of phishing is that they are using a multipronged approach; they are now reaching your social media feed, text messages, and phone calls.

Social Media/Trusted Platforms

We all love to connect with friends and family – be aware that attackers are leaning on those...

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Tags: financial security, phishing, phishing scams, scams

Preparing for College Thumbnail

5 Steps to Prepare Your Graduate for College

Posted On: May 13, 2024 by Home State Bank in: Personal Banking

High school graduation is quickly approaching and so is another chapter in their financial journey. College is a great opportunity to continue developing good money management skills for when they graduate and head into the workforce full time.

At Home State Bank, we’re passionate about educating about financial responsibility and opportunities. As we approach this fun milestone, we want to share some tips for parents to send off your student to college to...

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Tags: budget planning, budgeting, college prep, financial education, savings