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Fraud Education Event - Free, Open to the Public

Join us Feb. 25 from 10 am - 11 am at the Wild Rose Casino - Jefferson. Investigator Al Perales with the Iowa Attorney General's Office will be speaking on current scams and trends happening here in Iowa. No registration is required.

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Dedication to Financial Literacy

Dedication to Financial Literacy Header Image

When it comes to financial literacy, Home State Bank is dedicated to bringing awareness and hands-on experience all year round to our customers and our whole community. While Home State Bank offers financial literacy support within our walls to our customers, we also want to

ensure everyone in our community has the opportunity to learn lifelong financial skills, such as how to manage, save, budget, and invest their money wisely.

Progress Through Partnerships

We’re happy to tell you about two strategic partnerships Home State has to enhance financial literacy.

The first we’d like to share with you is called Everfi. It is a financial literacy platform specifically designed for teachers, schools, and students. According to this article, “87% of teenagers in the U.S. admit to not understanding their finances.”

This statistic is scary and true! When we first learned how Everfi created a program to focus is on providing engaging lessons that are relevant to students to grow their understanding and interest in finance, we jumped on it and shared the curriculum with the Greene County High School.

It teaches needs vs. wants, budgeting, investing, what a credit score is and why it’s important, the dos and don’ts of loans, why insurance is necessary and so much more.

Our second partnership is with Zogo.  It is a new, innovative app that literally rewards you for financial learning. Users collect “pineapples” for completing educational modules (think short and sweet snippets of skills), which can be redeemed for rewards in their marketplace.

The best part of about this app is that anyone can use it and enhance their financial literacy. Home State Bank has made this available for our students, our customers, our community, everybody. You read that right, Everybody! The app hosts community events you can participate in to earn pineapples, as well as refer friends. This app has certainly won over the staff at Home State Bank (and maybe added some tension from some friendly competition).

You can download Zogo for free today using code: HSBIOWA

Always Dedicated to Our Community

Home State Bank strives to always put our customers and community first. We want you to dream big and also have a way to achieve it. That’s why we invest in financial literacy. We want to teach people how to avoid costly financial mistakes and set them up for financial success in

whichever endeavors they choose! We believe these educational programs are a fun way to support our community members through education.

To learn more about our financial literacy partners, reach out to us!

Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender


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